Saturday, October 6, 2012

Karis' 8th birthday party


For the big party, Amy was so sweet to offer to keep Lucy so she wouldn't steal Karis' thunder which ended up being sooo good because as you can tell...she was THRILLED to go to her best friend Story's house, even if it meant missing her big sister's party.  I took her on Friday before the chaos and it helped so much!  Thanks Amy!

Birthday girl ready for the party to begin!!!!

Sporting her new Justice clothes she got last night and birthday crown her Nonnie gave her!

She did her makeup with her new makeup she got last night and I thought she did pretty good matching.  I will say I cringed a little seeing her with makeup on...not ready for that!!!!

She invited 9 girls and 5 showed up.  One was sick and 3 were girls from school whom I didn't know them or their parents so I wasn't surprised.  But the crew that came was GREAT!  They were all girls from school and Karis best friend from school Precious.  

We ate grilled hot dogs, chips and cheese dip for dinner (menu prepared by Karis) when they first arrived...

Karis and Precious...they were in the same Kindergarten class and have been best friends ever since.  They haven't been in the same class for the past two years and still play together on the playground every day.

Precious, Karis, and Kara

Mari-Morgan, Morgan and Maddie 
(lots of M's!...Morgan and Maddie are sisters one year apart)...

Then she got to open up her presents....

Brayden had found an empty box and found stuff to put in there for her (although he had already given her something) and wrapped it up from sweet.

Precious wrote Karis the sweetest letter!!!

Morgan W. was sick but sent her a "happy" anyway!  Thanks Morgan!

Karis with Maddie and Morgan

Karis and Mari-Morgan

Karis and Kara

Then we painted pumpkins....

Jay didn't really know what to do with all these girls here.  He was really out of his element!  It was kinda funny actually he looked lost in his own house!

This was his status during the whole funny!

Then we did fingernails and toenails....

Then we decorated sugar cookies instead of doing cupcakes.  Kids loved it and it was MUCH easier and cheaper than cupcakes or a cake!

Happy birthday to my girl!

OH MY WORD they were all on a sugar high!  But hey that is what birthdays and slumber parties are for!!!

After that we settled down in our pj's and the girls watched a movie or two or 5 don't really know.  I went to bed at midnight and some said they stayed up until 5:30 a.m.!!!!  Sorry mommas!

 I was up by 7 (sleeping in for me!) and some girls were up by 8, others by 9 and one we had to wake up by 10!  They put on makeup, packed up, ate breakfast, and then were watching Matty B Raps on youtube while they waited for their moms to pick them up.  They were so intrigued.

Have you ever seen any MattyBRaps?  He is little 9 or 10 and seems to be the upcoming Justin Beiber. He is ADORABLE!!!!  Go here to see his cute!

Oh and here are some videos of the girls last night doing cheers for us haha!

It was a great party...whew...I am exhausted!!!!  Happy birthday sweet girl!

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