Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday to my oldest princess!

My sweet princess, I can not believe you are now EIGHT!!!  I blinked and now you are so grown up!

I can't tell you how much of an honor it is to be your mom!  You are such a delightful, fun to be around, sweet, caring, beautiful girl inside and out.  You are a great big sister to both Brayden and Lucy and they both look up to you so much and you are such a WONDERFUL role model for them both to follow.  Always remember that they are watching your every move and want to be just like you.  I know you will make them and me and dad so proud.  Part of me wants you to not grow any more but then other parts of me want you to spread your wings and flourish, because I KNOW you will.  It's hard for this momma to see you struggle and learn your way through life but at the same time I know I have to.  I am doing everything in my power to "train you in the way of the Lord" and I know that the Lord will prove Himself faithful through your life.  

I love you so much sweet girl more than you will ever know!

The day you were born....

1st birthday....

2nd birthday....

3rd birthday....

4th birthday....

5th birthday....

6th birthday....

7th birthday just one year ago....

Today you turn 8 baby girl and are as beautiful as ever, inside and out!

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