Saturday, October 20, 2012

A visit with Jonathan and Jenna, bonfire, movie, and lots of sports and memories

We were so excited that my brother Jonathan and his wife Jenna were coming this weekend to stay with us!  We grilled out on Friday night and then we had a bonfire in our backyard to make s'mores which is something the kids have wanted to do recently.  They were so excited!  We enjoyed yummy smores and good conversation.

YUMMM!!!  I had my share for sure!
 Then we all got in our pj's and watched this movie.  It was soooooo good!  I loved it!  There were a few tears shed too.  I love good, clean movies that my whole family can watch from beginning to end with no shame!

Saturday morning we had an early day full of games.  Brayden had a soccer game and team pics and Karis had a cheerleading game and team pics.

Brayden played great!  He scored 3 out of 4 of the goals!  He was so proud and I know he was glad to have Jonathan and Jenna there to see him score!

All the team pics I took were overexposed because my camera got stuck in the wrong mode boo. 

I did take this one with my phone...

Game time!

Sad to see Uncle Jon-Jon and Aunt Jenna go!  We had a blast with them and we made memories to last a lifetime.  Thanks for taking the time out of your weekend to come visit and see the kids in their activities. We love yall!

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