Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our visit with Sudhir

A friend of ours from India has been here staying with us for the last week and we have had a blast and enjoyed his company so much!  We were sad to see him go and consider him one of us.  He will always be welcome in our home!

Sudhir lives in Visakhapatnam, India and his family runs an orphanage for 180 children.  He also is a pastor and his true calling is to travel to some of the unreached tribal groups in India to share the gospel.  He has seen more than 70 churches started in the tribal areas and God has really given him a passion for those whose haven't heard.  He is married with 2 beautiful girls ages 11 and 14.  He has been in the States for 3 months total visiting several host homes.  His reason for being here is to develop partnerships for some of his ministries that he is involved in.  The orphanage that he runs has recently lost its partnerships and the orphans are eating because his family sold personal land and it is paying for it for now.  However that money will eventually run out and Sudhir knows that God will provide.  

While he was here, he had some amazing connections and some who are willing to start partnering immediately.  Sudhir is hoping to develop a strategy for people to "adopt" an orphan similar to Compassion.  I will let you know when it is all developed and give you an opportunity to share in it.  

Sudhir is WONDERFUL with children and has been a great friend to Jay and I.  We loved talking to him and hearing his stories of India, his family, and the ways that God has worked and answered prayers throughout his lifetime.  Our children LOVED him and are so sad he is gone.  They want to know when we can go and visit and meet his family. We hope we can very soon!

He spoke to our small group on Wednesday night and they loved him.  His testimony is amazing and no doubt God is and will do amazing things through this man!

Sudhir with some of the children

Sudhir with our family

Jay really enjoyed getting to host him, help him with connections, see God work out lots of details and be a friend to Sudhir.   He will always hold a special place in our heart!

Even my babysitting kids loved him even though they didn't see him very much.  Everett would follow him around and just want Sudhir to hold him.

Hazel doesn't take to strangers very quickly and especially to men, but she loved him too.  She would just get up in his lap and just grin ear to ear at him.  She was blinking at the flash in the pic.

Thank you Sudhir for being such a wonderful guest, an encouragement to us, and a friend.  You will always be welcome in our home and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

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