Friday, October 26, 2012

Meeting Cousin Amelia

Our cousins that live in North Carolina were in Corinth (2 hours away) for the weekend visiting Nonnie and Pop-Pop so we decided to make a quick trip to see our cousins and meet sweet 2 month old Amelia whom we haven't met yet.  We were so excited to see them!  

Introducing our newest cousin...Amelia Rose!

Nonnie and Amelia (Nonnie's 8th grandchild)

The cousins (minus Amelia and Scout and Jett that live in North Carolina)

So sweet!

Lucy and Karis with Amelia...

Kaycee and Lucy

Katie and Brayden

Uncle Andy and his mini-me Amelia...

Kelly (Jay's sister) and Andy and baby Amelia 

Katie and Lucy

Pop-Pop getting lots of cuddles from his girls...

Kaycee and Lucy

Me and my sister-in-law Kelly

Lots of cousin love!
 It was a whirlwind trip because we left home at 3:45 and were back home by 11:15 with 4 hours of driving in there but so worth the trip.  So thankful to see them and to get to meet Amelia!

Nonnie and Pop-Pop with 6 of their 8 grandchildren!

1 comment :

  1. I totally forget y'all have connections to Corinth. We live less than an hour away from there and some of our best friends live there so we are up there pretty often. It is a small world!
