Friday, October 12, 2012

Karis' halftime performance

Karis got the opportunity with her cheerleading squad to perform at halftime of the LC Gator game on Friday night.  She had a clinic on Wednesday and Thursday night and then they got to perform at the game.  She was excited about it and nervous all at the same time.  She had lots of friends doing it and at the game so I think she liked that more than anything.

So proud of her!

This little one was a daddy's girl that night!

Some of the girls from her cheerleading squad...

This guy came to sit in front of us at one time...literally 2 seats in front of us.  Lucy yelled, "MOM!  Look at his hair it is sticking straight up!"  The mom clearly heard her and turned and looked in our direction.  I could have crawled under the bleachers in embarrassment.  Well it won't be the first time I am sure!

Lucy got cold at one point and Brayden said, "Come here Lu I will warm you up!"  Sweet big brother!

Can you spot her?  In the middle towards the right....

This was right after Jay caught Brayden throwing his M&M's over the fence on people's heads.  Oh goodness gracious!  Lord give me patience with my wayward son ha!

Karis with her friend Olivia...
Way to go Karis!

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