Sunday, March 16, 2008

My "Tomatoes"

Well we have been at the doctor all afternoon because Brayden is having trouble breathing and had 103 temp. The doctor says that he has tonsilitis caused by a virus (that evil word) and there is no meds that fix it...the famous "it will just have to run it's course!" He did give him some steroids because his chest sounded so bad and is on breathing treatments every 4 hours. He has been pitiful today...just wants to lay quietly in mom's lap...and i sure don't mind! He rarely does that anymore!

Also, I have come across a GREAT WEBSITE! It is called "Raising Godly Tomatoes" ( I don't know where she got the "tomatoes" but it means kids. If you are a parent out there and truly desire to raise your children to be godly, this is the website for you. I heard about it through a friend and I have not been able to quit reading has such great words of wisdom!


  1. Gosh! I hope he feels better soon! Poor Baby!!

  2. Amanda -

    I saw your link from Faith's blog, and thought I would introduce myself - I am married to Paul Bruce whom I believe you know from "way back when." I believe your Mom was the one who helped take care of Paul after his mother died. We also went to Union - Matt is a few years older than me.

    Heather Bruce
