Sunday, October 7, 2012

Instagram dump

Time for the weekly dump (or maybe it's bi-weekly ha!) of pictures from my phone!

I mentioned the other day to Lucy that I needed to hang up her clothes.  A few minutes later couldn't find her and she had taken her clothes upstairs and was hanging them up herself.  Sweet girl!

Idolatry...anything you worship other than Jesus is IGNORANCE!

I love this and the Lord has continually done a work on my heart after reading this verse.  Jesus called Simon and Andrew and WITHOUT DELAY they left their possessions (boat), their family (dad Zebedee) and their job (fishermen).  Why do we question so much ugh?!

Looked out the window the other day and I saw this....about had a heart attack but I didn't stop him.  Boys will be boys!

Just a thought Uncle Matt...but I think he is following in your footsteps ahem?!  And NO he didn't even see your picture!!!!

Oh and here is a video of Brayden's crazy stunt....

 Thursday Story and Meila came over and were playing dress-up and their outfits were just beautiful!!!  :)

Sweet Oak :)

I ordered 2 pair of shoes the other day from for super cheap.  Go check them out!  I got these flats for 9 and the boots for 30!

Our washer got stuck the other day and just kept running and the fabric softener (undiluted) kinda sat on the clothes for the majority of the day.  This was the end result...tie dye!

Jay surprised me by bringing me these from our property...gorgeous!  Perfect Fall decor...and they are HUGE!

A friend from church posted this the other day on Instagram.  I have been amazed at this!  I think she is a nurse or something (not sure) and took this pic of her holding an 8 week fetus.  This is a real pic and you can even see each little toe!!!!  Our God is amazing!

Saturday morning a cold front came through.  It was in the 80's on Friday and Saturday morning it was 46!!!! WOOHOO!

NO MORE EXCUSES!  Jesus got up while it was still dark to pray/spend time with his Father and I bet he wasn't even a morning person!!!!

Jay took this the other day after we had eaten lunch with Karis and Brayden at school.  He is SERIOUS about his "hips and lips" rule at school!!!!

I had a really cute helper in the kitchen while making pizzas Saturday night!

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