Friday, October 19, 2012

Everything and then some

Can't seem to stay caught up lately.  Busy...these are the days of our lives.  Therefore I always end up with a random post where I try to catch up...better late than never.

Wednesday nights we always have small group and this past Wednesday was gonna be no exception except that there was bad weather coming.  We ended up canceling group at the last minute due to possible tornadoes coming.  However Story still came to spend the night because both girls were looking so forward to it we couldn't do that to them.  So Story just got in our closet with us and BOTH girls were happy and giggly.

They had a little club in there to weather out the storms complete with popcorn/drinks, flashlights, and their ipads for movies.  

Funny thing Brayden said during all the storms I want to remember someday...such a great question!

Random pic I took of the crew on Thursday....sweet, sweet kiddos!

Found this is one of Karis' journals this week haha!

This sweet pea turned ONE this week.  Happy Bday Addy!

Lucy got to hold Oak this week and she was beyond thrilled!

Friday was hat day at school...

Don't ever want to be guilt of this...choosing tradition over the word of God or honoring God with my lips but my heart condition speaks a different story.

Me and my "twin" for the day.   We had matching Southern Chics tshirts (colors) and I asked her what the front said and she said, "Saaaassssy!"

Love that they love each other!

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