Saturday, September 25, 2010

One of THOSE days...blah!

The morning started off pretty slow and normal for a Saturday.  Actually Karis and Brayden both went home with Lolli last night after Disney on Ice so all we had was Lulu this morning.  We relaxed some, made sausage balls, and I took these pics.  Mom got us some happies last night and she got Lucy these outfits from Walmart (I was shocked they were too cute)... 

She bought me this picnic basket for my babysitting to take everybody's cups and snacks when we go outside.  She had one and I loved it so she surprised me with it!  :)

And Brayden got this "Daddy's little fishing buddy" shirt.  He LOVED it!  Thanks are the best!

Brayden was supposed to have a soccer game today at 11 and my dad was going to bring him to meet us and then bring Lucy home with them as well after the game.  But Brayden's asthma was acting up last night so about 8:30 this morning I called to check on the kids and Brayden had taken 2 breathing treatments since 6 a.m. so I knew there would be NO soccer game for Brayden and we were headed to the doctor to get a steroid. :(  When his asthma gets this bad where the treatments aren't working anymore, the only thing that works is a steroid.  And they usually work super fast, and they also make him mean...super fast.  I hate when he is on them!  So as my mom was having a yard sale, my sweet daddy took him to the doctor.  The doc gave him another breathing treatment, a dose of steroid and he was better almost instantly.  They sent the prescriptions via email to a nearby Kroger (4 of them...his steroid, liquid albuterol, nebulizer albuterol, and his epi-pen).  So I called Kroger to give them my insurance info and they couldn't take it over the phone because they needed some group number and they told me to call my insurance company to get it.  So I called them but of course my insurance was closed.  So my dad had to find a pharmacy open, get them to send the prescriptions over and then was told it would be another hour.  Then later got a call that it was delayed even longer and the pharmacy would be closing!!!  UGH!    In the mean time I got Lucy ready because I was still meeting my brother half way to hand off Lucy so she could spend the night at Lolli's too.  I took these right before we left...

I dropped her off and headed to do some shopping for Karis' bday party next weekend.  I found some great deals...(will share later don't want to give the surprise away). Oh and forgot to mention that my air has gone out on the van so it was hot!  I am thankful Fall is on the way!  On my way home I called to check on Brayden and found out that Lucy was running 103 temp!!!!  Then I find out that Lolli was HOSTING a bday party at her house this afternoon in 30 minutes and had all my kids and 2 of them were sick.  I felt terrible she had them to deal with my kids' sickness while she was so busy, sad my kids were sick and wanted to just cry.  I offered numerous times to come get them but she was so sweet and insisted that I leave them...she would take great care of them (which I already knew).  

Jay and I had planned to go on a date night tonight to PF Changs.  So we decided we would go ahead and go and then go pick up Lucy so it would be one less for Lolli to worry about.  We got ready to go and then realized we wouldn't have time to eat so we were both bummed about the craziness of the day and just decided to save the date for another night.  We headed straight to meet Pop (who had since cooked burgers at the party, gone back to the pharmacy to pick up B's prescriptions, and was taking care of my sick Lucy) and get Lucy to go ahead and take her to a Minor Med so she could be seen today. 

After some Motrin, her fever came down and she was happy-go-lucky.  See?

She played with everything in the room including this spinning stool and was as happy as she could be.  The doc did say she had a double ear infection and that is what was causing her fever.  We got our 5th prescription of the day and headed out.  We called THREE pharmacies on the way home and all were closed.  We found one open, dropped it off at 8:15 and were told it would be another hour.  SOOO we decided to attempt some dinner with our sick Lucy.  

We went to Sekisui to get rice/sushi and I have to say with her having an ear infection and it being past her bedtime, she was GREAT!  We were able to eat our dinner (a little different than planned) but we enjoyed it regardless.  

Then at 9:15 we went back to the pharmacy to pick up her prescription.  So in about 48 hours, 4 out of 5 of us have been to the doctor (I had a routine visit yesterday and Karis went to doc Thursday for possible strep but tested negative) and we have filled FIVE prescriptions.  Whoo.  When Jay left to go in, here she was saying, "Where did daddy go????"  I was thinking...."Where did the DAY go???"

On the way home she fell fast asleep, snoring!  We gave her her meds when we got home and put her to bed and we propped our feet up and watched the end of the Arkansas/Alabama game we didn't finish earlier in the day. Now as I type away, Jay is snoring on the floor.  I sure don't know why?!?!?! Just kidding...I am about to join him!

I am SOOOO thankful for such wonderful parents that gave up their Friday and Saturday to do things with my kiddos and take care of them when they were sick (when they have a trillion other things going on as well!).  They truly are so wonderful!  

Tomorrow we are praying for a healthy, calm day to worship at church.  Now I am off to get some good sleep now.  Tomorrow is a new day...and I hope it is a good one!!!

1 comment :

  1. That sounds just like your mom and dad they are so sweet. I hope yall all are feeling better.
