Tuesday, October 30, 2012

iPhone dump

 Considering doing the Daniel Fast would be good spiritually as well as physically!

Lucy really wants to do gymnastics and often puts this on when we are home and flips all over the house!

Where is Waldo Brayden?! 

Some of my favorites from this week...

 Friday Karis had western day at school and this was before she left that day.  I love these two!

One cutie patootie western girl!

Meeting my new niece Amelia last weekend...

It has been super cold around here especially at night.  Brrrr!

Did any of you feel the "earthquake" we had this week?  I didn't feel it however I read this article and several people on Facebook said they felt it!

Monday morning Lucy and Jake were found reading their Bibles and said they were playing church.  Melts my heart!!!

The kids have been riding the bus in the morning also this week.  Here we are waiting for the bus EARLY (like 7:05 early)!!!
I am wanting to do this with the kids...cute!

I have been glued to the news from Hurricane Sandy as I am sure you all have devastating!  Today I am thankful for a dry, warm house with electricity!

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