Friday, October 26, 2012

Treatin' at school!

Tonight at school we had a Halloween PTO meeting where the kids got to get dressed up and trick or treat the classrooms.  They get excited about this every year but this year Brayden got to do it as a student instead of a sibling.  I am not big on Halloween or spending alot of time or money on costumes so my poor kids gets to be the same things every year ha!  Hey the end result is the same...lots of sugar which is what they care about anyway!

Brayden and his best friend Eli...

Brayden and his buddy from his class Michael...

Brayden's hallway and teacher Mrs. Mary Catherine (in green) and his assistant teacher Mrs. Amy (in black and purple hat)...

Being sweet helping Lulu....

Karis got there late because she had cheerleading practice so she came in her uniform.

They were the cutest trick or treaters there last night although I know I am a little biased ha!

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