Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Life in India

Sudhir shared so many stories with us about going into the tribal regions and the neat people he has met and made connections with.  We loved getting to listen to him and see the pictures that he shared with us.  With his permission, I am sharing some of his pictures so that you can understand his background and the work that he does.  Most of these people have never heard the gospel until he went to them and shared it with them.  Some of the others are of one of the biggest problems in India to date, street children.  With no home, no parents and no place to go, they live on the streets and raise themselves sometimes even right after they are walking.  There are 98 million street children in the world and 11 million are right there in India.  They are beautiful people!

The slums of India

Sudhir traveling to a village with one of his daughters...

The people at the well getting of the biggest issues in India is getting clean water to drink.

Sudhir with his beautiful family

Oh LORD break my heart for what breaks yours!

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field."  Matthew 9:37-38

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