Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fun day Sunday

We started of our day with donuts with our little ones before church. They were thrilled when I told them we were going...all but Karis ha!  She is not a fan of donuts so she got a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit.  She must have gotten that from her dad ha!

We were the pink ladies today...

 After church, we all went to Walmart and got our weekly groceries and then we took a "nature walk" around our 15 acre lake.  It was beautiful outside and we enjoyed just strolling through and discovering new things as we ventured through the woods.  Brayden was the one prepared and brought a backpack and had bags for everyone to "collect" things.

Me and my sweet girls :)

My sweet babes :)

Pretty leaves...

We found an obstacle course in the woods...

The lake was beautiful today!

The beavers were here...

Stopping to smell the flowers....

 When we got home the kids were helping me with some chores and I had asked Brayden to put some clothes into the dryer and I walk around the corner and this is what I saw...
 You can imagine my surprise.  He was not only putting the wet clothes in the dryer but stealing the loose change too.  Haha smart boy!

Then we went to our neighbors to see the chickens.  When I told the kids we were going they were literally running in our driveway saying, "This is the BEST day ever!"  Ha!

Then we came home and got in our pj's cause we were COLD!  Great day!

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