Saturday, October 13, 2012

Karis' cheerleading game

After Brayden's game on Saturday we headed straight over to Karis' cheerleading game.  So glad our family got to come to see her cheer!  The weather was beautiful!

This is my brother Matt and his foster baby "B" (state custody that is why I can't show his face).  But I had to show you his new little tooth that came in recently.  We have been trying to get it on camera but couldn't seem to get it until today!  He is such a cutie patootie!

 Cute big boy shoes!

My girl cheering!

Lucy wants to take care of Baby "B" so she was mothering him and feeding him snacks!

Baby "B" wore a football shirt in honor of the football team Karis was cheering for!

Brayden and Karis and their visitors to today's games: Uncle Matt and Aunt Tiff and Uncle Allen!  Thanks for coming guys it meant the world to them!

Me and 2 out of 3 of my brothers

Uncle Allen and Care Bear

 Great day!  Now on to some birthday celebrations! 

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