Monday, October 1, 2012

Church, rain and bubbles!

Sunday was a great day at church!  I got to keep Lucy's class and she was soooo excited.  She kept telling everyone that I was her teacher today ha!  I love all of her little friends that are in there so it was fun!  Seeing all of those light bulbs come on in their heads are priceless.

Sunday afternoon was so relaxing which was so needed after our long but fun Saturday.  After church I made my quick weekly run to the grocery store and they we relaxed at home in our pj's!  It was great!  We opened the windows, lit some candles and Jay and I even got a small nap and got to read our books for a while!

Monday both Hazel and Everett were sick so me and these two cuties got out a little bit.  It was pouring down rain but we went anyway.  We went to Target for a little stroll, ran some errands at the mall for Karis' upcoming birthday and then to Chick-fil-a for lunch and some play time!

Crazy Chick-fil-a line and this random man and Jake are staring at each other.  I was confused and said, "Do you know him?"  The man said, "Yea that is my grandson!"  I think Jake was a little confused as to why he was seeing him at a strange place and it took a few minutes to warm up to the idea that his Pop was there too!  I let them eat together and it made both of their days!

We got in some playtime and ice cream too!

Looks like all the fun wore this little guy out!

Lucy reading to me....

Monday night the kids got to take a long bath because we actually didn't have anywhere we had to be...nice!  They entertained themselves as you can see ha!

LOVE these three so much!

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