Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're ok

I know some of you have been wandering where in the world we are...we are ok and just doing alot at home.  Since we have been back from Corinth, there has been so much going on.  Sunday night we had a big time at our Connect Group at the Potts' house with a pool, large mounbounce, and moonbounce slide right there in the backyard.  Oh and I forgot to mention the best part...freshly smoked barbeque by an award winner, Brandon, right there in the backyard.  THE BEST BBQ WE HAVE EVER HAD!!!!  We had some the next day for leftovers and it was still the best! It had the best flavor! Anyway, forgot the camera battery at home again so no pictures although I was tempted to go back home and get it!

Other than that, we have decided to redo most of our rooms (just tired of the setup) on a very tight budget.  We are just tired of the "same-ole" so we are trying to move around, adjust, add little things, etc.  We started with the upstairs which is a big chore!  We have switched it around and Jay now has a nice new office area and the kids have a playroom equipped with our tv from our room (which gets no use...especially since we have no cable) so they can watch videos. While in Corinth, Jay's sister gave him her old Playstation which Jay was really excited about although he hasn't had time to touch it this week! The kids have brought some toys upstairs and they really enjoy playing up there.  Also both kids are getting new "big kid" beds so I have been searching/shopping for new bedding, curtains, etc.  We are going to rearrange our room also just haven't gotten to it.

In the mean time, Jay started his month long camps yesterday and it has been crazy around here.  It is his busiest time of the year no doubt and when July is over, he is usually exhausted.  It literally is around the clock work.  It has gone very smoothly so far...we are planning to hang out with the kids kids enjoy it so much being able to be around the big kids.  Karis came in with Jay last night at 9:30 and they had been hanging out with the kids for game time. She was so funny...she came in grinning and ran over to me and said, "MOM!  Those big kids had to stick their face in jello to eat those gummi bears!  It got all over their face!!!"  She thought it was great!  Jay and I were laughing so hard.

Despite all that, Brayden is sick.  He has been crabby for a few days and has had fever off and on and a really runny nose and yucky cough.  So yesterday I decided to take him in to the doctor and of course, just a virus!  There is nothing that can be done...just motrin for fever and claritin.  He seems better this morning and no fever...just feels yucky.  

Sorry for the long post...just trying to fill you in on our crazy week.  We plan on hanging with the kids at camp some today and working on the house some more. :)

1 comment :

  1. I know what you mean. Isn't it nice to have a change. We try to be REAL conservative with our spending...but every once in a while, it is nice to give each room a face lift. It makes all the difference. Graham and I have had basically the same bed spread since we was nice to get something new. Now that I have a little one, I have a new appreciation for my own room (space). So, keep up the good work. You will look back at your accomplishment and be so pleased!
