Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our 4th of July

Our family spent the 4th of July at Nonnie's (Jay's mom) house in Corinth and it was the typical holiday and was such a blast.  It consisted of relaxing, family, lots of food, swimming, lawn chairs, watermelon, homemade ice cream, conversation and of course, fireworks!  We spent most of the day at Grandmother's house (Jay's grandmother, the kids great-grandmother).  It started off with the kids if they didn't get enough of it the day before!  It was as if they hadn't ever seen it before and they played for hours!

Brayden going down head first
The kids were jumping up and making big splashes as they fell on their was like a big bathtub!

Trying to drink the water...

Karis playing with a kitchen strainer in the water...easily amused!

Daddy and Brayden chillin in the yard

Brayden wearing daddy's sunglasses

Karis and her daddy

Karis blowing bubbles for grandaddy "Pinto"

Karis showing her daddy and Uncle Haha how to blow bubbles

Jay's mom, Aunt JuJu and Grandmother Wicks

The kids on Grandmother's bridge

Brayden has gotten into holding our hands lately.  He will come up beside you and say "hand!"  Right before I took this picture, he grabbed his Nonnie's hand and I said, " sweet Brayden!"  Then he says, (I have created a monster) "Picture, Picture!"  So of course I went and grabbed my camera. :)

The neighbor let Karis have a few sparklers and I was so shocked considering she screamed the last time we saw fireworks back in October.  She has obviously grown up alot this year because now she is holding one!

Grandmother and Brayden watching Karis do sparklers

Uncle Haha

Our family :)

The Lemonds with Grandmother and Pinto

The end of the night consisted of none other than watching fireworks.  We weren't sure how the kids would do this year since in October at Disney World they both were scared to death but they both did great and no tears were shed.  Karis loved them and wasn't scared at all and Brayden just stared at them not moving a muscle.  This is Karis watching fireworks with Nonnie at Shiloh Ridge.

This was Brayden during the fireworks...he laid on my shoulder and didn't move a muscle or utter a word.

Karis and her daddy...she loved the pink and purple ones and the sparkly ones too!  
After the fireworks we left and headed home and both kids were out within minutes.  But Brayden got in all the words he had withheld during the fireworks first.  He kept saying, "See fireworks!...See fireworks!...Fireworks...BIG...Air!..Air!...BIG...See Fireworks!"  Then he grabbed his blanket and was gone.  It was a fun-filled day with lots of memories!

We are thankful for our country and will continue to pray that God would not take his hand off America.  I pray that hearts would be opened and be sensitive to Him.  

1 comment :

  1. im glad yall had a great fourth. i miss yall and give my to favorite lemonds a kiss for me. love yall
