Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day #2 with Jackson

Wow what a fun day we have had with Jackson! The first thing the kids wanted to do today was play with "shackzun" as Brayden calls him. He was at their feet ALL day long. This morning Karis ran the length of the yard back and forth, back and forth saying, "Come on Jackson!" He followed her every time! I think she wore him out (and he her). Brayden has warmed up to him more every minute and now wants to play ball with him. You will notice below they are already big buddies!

A boy and his dog at the pool (they got the right idea although they weren't catching rays...they were looking for baby frogs)

How sweet!

One of my favorite pics of the day

He was lounging in the above picture, however he did jump in once and Jay had to rescue him. He learned (was forced) to swim on his 7 week birthday!

As I am typing this, Karis is outside telling Jackson "good night." He is already a member of the family!


  1. Jackson seems like tons of fun...too bad I will have to wait till August to see him.

  2. Jackson seems like tons of fun...too bad I will have to wait till August to see him.
