Sunday, July 27, 2008

And lightning strikes...

So Jay and I were sitting on the couch talking, enjoying my birthday today (kids had just laid down for naps) when all of a sudden it sounded like a bomb had exploded.  Jay was sitting on the couch where he could see out the front window and all of a sudden he ran to the window and said, "Lightning just hit that tree!" When it happened, from my angle all I saw was the lightning flash and our whole yard lit up!  But he said he saw bark and limbs fly off the tree!  We could tell it was bad but couldn't see all of it until we went outside to get a really good look when we saw this...

The lightning split the tree 3/4 of the way down the tree and it will now be dead and soon fall over!  We will definitely be getting it cut down!  If you look closely beyond the light colored wood where the bark flew off the tree, you will see the center of the tree is BLACK.  It literally FRIED the tree!  We are really blessed that it didn't catch on fire or fall on our house!  Or that the lightning missed our house! As far as we can tell, the only other damage is our garage door opener no longer works.  I guess the lightning hit it too!  But we are blessed and I will never forget my 29th birthday!

These are all the branches that fell off when the lightning struck.
Thank you Lord for sparing us!

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