Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Today's random events (this one is for you Stephanie)

This morning I had to go court for a student of mine and that in itself was NOT fun.  The thought of testifying to what I have or haven't seen in front of a crowd of people just makes me a nervous wreck.  And it breaks my heart that two people, his mom and dad, who are currently divorced, cannot come to an agreement about how to handle their child.  The poor child and everything he has been through just brings tears to my eyes.  The good news is I didn't have to testify after all and we were out of there by noon.   The best news is the child's custody has now been given to dad and it is definitely what is best for him.  It is amazing that a child's home life can have a huge effect on a child and his success.

On a happier note, while I was there and Jay had a meeting, my friend Paige kept Brayden for me (Karis was still at Lolli's) while I went to court.  Thank goodness for friends! Of course Brayden was ecstatic that he got to go to "Natins" (Nathan) and "Mo-gan" (Mari-Morgan) house.  Below are some pics of them playing outside:
Riding the Barbie Jeep
Playing with their new kitten Bella (that poor cat!)

After that, I picked Brayden up and met Lolli, Karis and Kaylee and went to see a movie that has been on the agenda all summer!  We haven't been to the movies since Christmas Day and this one was soooo important to Karis.  She loves American Girl dolls and has 3 at home including KIT.  Well today was the premiere of Kit the movie. And of course, Karis and Kaylee had to bring their Kit dolls.  Below is a picture of the girls with their dolls. (Kaylee is my mom's friend Stephanie's daughter who Karis adores...they play American Girl dolls together.)
Then we went across the street to Baskin Robbins to eat coffee ice cream (mine and Karis' favorite) and the Kit dolls are in it too of course.
Brayden eating ice cream (who needs a spoon?)
Well the movie was a hit!  It is rated G and it was an excellent movie, so I heard.  I missed the last 30 minutes of the movie because Brayden decided to get squirmy so he and I went to the arcade.  But Lolli told me it was great!!!  We will be owning it when it comes out! :) After it was over, Karis and Kaylee said, "We want to see it again!"

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