Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Today's adventure

Today we went swimming at Rachel's pool and Paige and her kids decided to join us today.  It was fun as always but sssooooooo hot!  It has gotten so hot outside you can't even get cooled off in the water!  I am looking forward to it cooling off some. 

We did have a little scared moment today...some 18 (I am guessing) year old boys came to the pool and begged for us to let them in the gated pool.  We of course told them no and then they kept harassing us.  Another lady came to the pool and they asked her and she told them no also and that made them mad.  They stood at the gate for about 30 minutes just staring at us and it made us very uncomfortable.  The other lady eventually called the police and they took off before the police arrived.  Other than was pretty uneventful.

The girls (Karis, Mari-Morgan and Kendall)


Nathan Tillman
Me and my boy

My babies

Brayden was trying to hug Karis


Karis and M&M

Paige and Rachel

Karis went with her daddy to Walmart the other day and came home with this "Beach Barbie" to take to the beach when we go in a couple of weeks.  She has not put that thing down!

Tonight Karis and Brayden are going to play at the Potts' house while Jay and I go to the Redbirds game. :)  Maybe it won't get rained out??!!!! Then Karis is having a sleepover with Ellie...she is so excited about it!

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