Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Potts' Playdate

As if the kids haven't seen enough of each other the past two days, we got together with Ellie, Ethan and Eli again tonight.  Last night Mary Beth kept my kids while Jay and I went to the Redbirds game.  Afterwards I went to pick Brayden up and Karis spent the night with Ellie.  Brayden and I went over there this morning to swim a while and to pick Karis up and came home to take naps.  Then I kept Ellie, Ethan and Eli tonight so MB could go to a bible study. You would think they would get tired of each other, but no...they still didn't want to leave each other tonight!

Ellie is 7 and Karis is 3 and they play like they are best friends!

Ethan and Brayden hugging

Eli is walking!!!!

Ellie and Karis playing dressup and "beauty shop." You can see Karis in the background combing her hair.

Karis primping

I left the girls for a moment to play with the boys and I came back to this...They had set up a beauty shop and were ready for customers!

Jay working while we all hung out upstairs

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