Thursday, July 3, 2008

Nonnie's house

Tonight we headed to Nonnie's house for the 4th of July weekend.  Jay hooked up Karis as you can see below.  While Brayden napped in the car, Karis watched "The Little Mermaid" on Jay's IPOD.  She was so excited and thought she was big stuff.  
Karis and Brayden with their Aunt Jessie
Nonnie got the kids this blow-up pool and the kids played on it for hours until it finally got so cold they couldn't stand it anymore.  Karis loved the slide and Brayden played with the basketball goal.
Karis going down the slide
Brayden playing ball
Karis going under the water...yah Karis!
Brayden going under the water....face first
It looks as if she is bowing..but she is not...she is just going under the water :)
Me and my boy
Nonnie keeping Brayden warm

Here is a video of the kids playing today...

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