Friday, July 18, 2008

Day #3 with our buddies

Days with our friends are always a blast and today was no exception.  We spent most of the day at the pool with lots of friends.  There was our usual crew me, Lolli, Karis, Brayden, Emily, Nick, and Timmy.  In addition, Rachel came with her kids Drew, Kendall, and Jack as well as Ashley Clark with her 3 kids Thomas, Maggie, and Mary  Taylor.  We had a crew and we had a great time.

Nick eating lunch

Karis on the lobster

Emily, Nick and Timmy with their ammunition (water balls)

Maggie Clark

The boys (Timmy, Drew, Thomas, and Nick in front)

Karis said she was taking a bath here...

Brayden wanting to play ball oh so bad!

Drew looking really tired after a long day's swim...

After the swim, the Morris' decided to come over to play a while at our house and there was much fun to be had.  Here they were playing house and having a picnic.

Emily...what a beautiful mommy :)

Oh how sweet!  Daddy you better watch out...they look pretty fond of each other!  :)

The kids having a picnic upstairs

Karis Taylor

The boys playing playstation

The kids were having so much fun we decided just to order pizza and hang out some more.  So Brent came over after work and Jay went to grab a couple of pizzas and the Morris' played over until after 9:00 p.m.  I even gave Kendall her first hair cut and Drew a hair cut too!  Then our kids finished a movie and finally after 11:00 we called it a night!  

1 comment :

  1. as soon as i get home brayden, i will play all the basketball you want with you
