Thursday, July 31, 2008

Indoor water park

We are tired of the heat (even pools are hot these days), so we decided to go to give it a try.  It is basically an in-door sprinkler park for kids and is tons of fun.  Not only is it fun but 4 and under are free and my cost was only $5.00.  We went alot last summer and I couldn't believe the difference in how the kids handled it from last year to this year.  Their growth and maturity made worlds of difference!  Last year Brayden was in a baby float and this year (with floaties) was all over that pool!  Karis, too, enjoyed herself.  Our friends Paige, Rachel and Ashley also joined us and all of our kids so there were lots of playmates!  There is also an Olympic size pool there too but only Nathan ventured over there...maybe next year! :)

Karis in the fountains

Brayden...already tired???

The girly girls (with all these floaties, I don't think any of them will drown huh?)

Our picnic lunch was an adventure with 10 kids (all 4 and under except Nathan)!

Karis, Kendall, Drew and Brayden eating apples

Maggie Clark...look at that mischevious grin!

Rachel, Jack, Mary Taylor and Ashley

Karis braving the fountains

Paige and Nathan

Kids eating snacks...swimming makes you so hungry!

Me and Brayden

Nathan swimming the length of the Olympic size pool (17 feet deep)!  He looks like a professional!

Kendall, Karis and Mari-Morgan watching people jump off the high-dive.

Fun day gals!

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