Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Visit from Pawpaw and Gracie Lemonds

Sorry for the lack of posts here lately but the past week has been absolute chaos.  I left Thursday to go to Atlanta and only had internet access that one night (Saturday).  I got back late Sunday night and only wanted to spend time with my family.  Yesterday morning I woke up and started catching up on some loose ends unpacking, doing laundry, spending time with the kids etc. when I got a call that Jay's grandparents were about an hour from our house to spend the night.  We knew it was a possibility that they might come but hadn't heard from them until they called to tell us they would be here in an hour!  I hadn't showered or anything and still had to run to the store (with the kids) before they got there!  So frantically, prepared for their arrival and it was a great time with them.  They spent the night last night and left about lunch today.  

Camp is going on at our house so that always adds to the craziness and the kids want to spend every waking moment down there, so we just about have.  Tonight Karis and I watched them crack eggs over each other's heads and she thought that was the coolest thing ever!  I am also still working on the kids' rooms too so a portion of the day today I tore wallpaper appliques off the wall during their naps.  I am also directing a wedding next weekend and have had to meet with the bride today, Stephanie Steelman to discuss all the details.  So all in all I have zero time to post.  Lolli is coming tomorrow for a couple of days so we are looking forward to that!

For those of you that don't know, Pawpaw is Jay's dad's dad and is the one who was diagnosed with cancer a couple of weeks ago. He has since has surgery and all of it was removed.  He is happy and healthy and just recovering from surgery.

Here are some pics of our visit with Pawpaw and Grace:

Karis showing Gracie her new Kitty

Pawpaw and Brayden

Pawpaw and the kids

Pawpaw, Grace and the kids

Jay and his granddad, Bill Lemonds

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