Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Playdate with Macy and Kylie

Today we met a good friend of mine Lori in Collierville.  We used to teach on the same team at EPMS for 4 years until I got moved and she transferred to a school in Collierville.  We haven't seen much of each other lately, and school starts back for her next week and we have yet to get together this summer. So we decided to meet up at the Collierville sprinkler park which I have heard about but never been to until today.  We stayed there for a while and then went to Lori's house to eat lunch. She has recently gotten married and I haven't seen her new house yet.  Below are her two girls, Macy (going into 2nd grade) and Kylie (starting Kindergarten this year).

Karis...not really sure what she is doing here????

My mom and her friends came as well and brought  Marlaina and Neila too 
(pictured below with Karis).

Joseph under the buckets... (Yes are on the blog :) )

The girls playing in the sprinklers (Marlaina, Kaylee, Kylie, and Macy)

Brayden drinking the fountain

After we ate lunch at Lori's, we went over to her sister's house, Megan, to go swimming.  She has two boys 4 and 2, so the kids had a blast playing.  This is Macy and Karis in the pool.

Karis swinging...

Macy pushing Karis on the swing

Their backyard was so pretty...we really enjoyed hanging out there.

The treehouse was a hit!

Karis in the treehouse
Thanks girls for a very fun day!

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