Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A new look

I am still on the kick and my list keeps getting larger and larger.  I finish one project only to realize there are 2 more I still want to complete.  Summer (for me as a teacher) is one of many projects.  All the "spring cleaning" (and some) takes place during the months of June-August.  My time is running out and the list is still long!

On top of that, I am in a funk in the everyday look of my house.  I am "tired" of it and wanting a change...has anyone else been there????  I started to change up one room and suddenly I am wanting to change/add/rearrange the whole house!  Some new things we are purchasing but I am trying to be frugal and use what we have and just rearrange for a new look.  We started with the den and have rearranged it and are liking the change.  Then Jay decided he wanted to rearrange his upstairs office (and when he says he wants to do that....I go running at a full sprint!).  We completed that a couple of days ago and on one side is his new office and the other is a play area for the kids.  It looks alot better I might add.  Also the kids are both getting "big kid" beds and all the bedding/curtains are ordered and will be here early next I can't wait to work on theirs.  Tonight I have rearranged our bedroom!  I would love new bedding but it is last on the priorities, so maybe soon.  But, while Jay was on a training call, I rearranged the bedroom (all by myself...bed and dressers).  I might not sleep tonight because it is so different but it sure does look good!  :)

Today we spent the day with Jay.  He took the day off because he had camps the past 3 days and another camp starts tomorrow until Saturday.  Our plan was to swim but the weather changed our minds.  We ran some errands, ate lunch, and just hung out.  While the kids napped, Jay and I watched Goonies...I had never seen it before today!   We took the kids to meet Pop because they are staying at my parents' house for the next few days.  Then Jay and I did some prayerwalking around some apartment complexes that we are wanting to start Bible studies in.  The Lord is doing some really neat things regarding this.

Tomorrow Jay's camp #2 begins for another 3 days of girls' missions camps.  They are always so much fun but so busy for him.  I leave tomorrow morning to go with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to go to market in Atlanta.  Never been to Market before but hear it is alot of fun and I am really excited!

1 comment :

  1. I don't know if you know anyone who can sew. I can't, but my mom can, and is teaching me. But they say a duvet cover is really easy to make depending on the size of your bed. Maybe you could shop for fabric and get some good deal and make a new duvet. Should be easy, mostly straight lines.

    There is this great place on the way to Oakland called TopDogs on Hwy 64. I've seen lots and lots of stuff including reams and reams of great looking fabric.
