Saturday, July 26, 2008

My 29th Birthday dinner

Tomorrow is my 29th birthday (wow I am getting old!) so we celebrated tonight with my family (Mom, Dad, and Allen).  I have two brothers that couldn't be with us tonight...Matt is in Jackson with his fiance' and Jonathan is in Brazil for the summer.  We missed you guys!  One of my favorite places to eat in the whole world is a Japanese restaurant so we went to Sekisui in Southaven.  We enjoyed onion soup, ginger salad, fried rice, chicken, shrimp, steak, vegetables, and even some sushi.  It was delicious!!!  

Mom, Dad and Karis

Jay and I

Me, Jay, my brother Allen and Brayden

Brayden attempting to eat with chopsticks

Lolli and Karis

My brother Allen and I

My dad trying to eat sushi for the first time...

Our cook Roger

Since it was my birthday dinner, they came out and sang to me and brought out a birthday sundae.  We all enjoyed it!  Notice what Brayden has his eyes on!

Sissy eating sundae

My favorite 3 people in the world!

Get this...I mentioned a while back that I wanted to go to the Carrie Underwood concert in October so my sweet brother went and bought us tickets to go!  I am so excited!  It was very thoughtful of him!

My sweet family

My family pitched in together and got me a new camera for my birthday.  You all know I use a camera daily so it was the best gift ever and it is a very nice one!  Thanks and I love you guys!

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