Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Guenrich

Today Stephanie and Jake got hitched and it was a very fun day.  If you know the bride, you know that she is very laid back and is sooooo "go with the flow" kind of girl.  The wedding was indicative of her personality and was really a fun, laid back wedding.  You will notice the girls wore flip-flops with their dresses and the guys (even Jake) wore JEANS!  

We started the day at the church at 9:00 and began preparing Steph for pictures and her meeting with Jake.  They met one another at 10:00 for the first time and then pictures soon followed.  The day was non-stop until the wedding began at 2.  

Here are Steph and bridesmaids

Me and Stephanie

What a beautiful bride!

Bridesmaids and flowers (aren't they beautiful?)

The wedding party

How cute!

Jake and bridesmaids...oh you better watch out Stephanie!

Or Jake you better watch out...Steph and groomsmen!

Stephanie and Mother of the Bride

Stephanie and Jake cutting the brides cake

Grooms cake...

Throwing the bouquet....

Her Maid of Honor caught it...Lindsay Weaver

The happy couple leaving...

Parents of the bride taking a breather after the couple has left.  I think they need a honeymoon too!

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Guenrich!!!! Enjoy your honeymoon!

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