Thursday, September 6, 2012

Iphone pics, videos and more

This past weekend (well just Sunday) we went to see Jay's family.  It was a quick trip but well worth was much needed!  We met them at church on Sunday and Jay's mom sang.  She has an angel voice!  Take a listen....

After church we went to lunch and then went to hang out with Grandmother, Pinto and Aunt Judy at Grandmother's house. Her backyard always looks like an amazing flower garden...and she is almost 80!!!  

The kids with their Nonnie....

Grandmother and Pinto....

We attempted the park in between rainshowers...

Brayden started this new "winking" thing that is way cute and would melt any girl he did it to.  He started doing it to Grandmother and it had us all "awww-ing." But we told him he wasn't allowed to do it to girls at school...only mom, sisters and grandmothers and aunts! Watch him...

On the way home from Nonnie's house, we battled a lightning storm and tornado warnings.  The light show our God created was amazing.  Check it out....oh and of course the video doesn't do it justice because it was all around us not just in front of us. 

In my chronological study I have been reading through Lamentations and Ezekiel.  They are HARD reads....all the expectations of the priests and the cubit feet of the temple.  I am soooo thankful to be in Daniel it is definitely an easier read, although still "hard."  I am thankful for the nuggets God has given me despite a hard part of the Old Testament.  

Brayden is still doing well in school although he does really enjoy the weekends.  NO crying or "freak-outs" this week. :)

Our struggle this week has been with Karis and her subtraction facts.  We love her teacher and she is on the "harder" side (which I prefer actually...would rather them be overprepared than underprepared) and already has them getting ahead on addition and subtraction facts.  They are taking timed fact tests several times a week and Karis has brought home some less than desirable grades on them.  So on Labor Day, we worked off and on for over FOUR hours working different strategies to help her learn them.  We have been working so hard every day this week to try to catch her up and improve her grade.  She has her next timed test today so we are pulling for a big improvement!!!!!  

Tuesday afternoon our friends Paige, Mari-Morgan and Nathan came over to visit.  Karis and MM are having major withdrawals from one another.  They were here to see Karis and Brayden get off of the bus and there was lots of hugs, smiles and giggles by all.  They even brought us all Sonic slushes!!!  They stayed to play for a while and eat dinner with us.  These two love each other so much!

Me and Lulu have had some special times together since K and B have been in school.  I feel like she is growing up overnight and has become a little helper around here.  She randomly comes up to me and says, "Mom I need cuddles (or snuggles)!"  She is such a sweetie and I love having this time with her!!!

Wednesday night was small group and I got to hang out with this sweet pea. He is such a little happy boy!  And I got my "Amy" time and Lucy got her "Story" time. :)

Brayden is serious about studying his sight words.  His teacher told him to study them every day so that is the first thing he HAS to do when he comes in from school.  He already knows the ones from this nine weeks and has moved on to learning next 9 weeks.  He made a book and everything that has all his words in it!  Here is a video I took a week or two ago doing his sight words....
Brayden has learned his sight words!

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