Monday, September 10, 2012

Blast from the Past...attic style

Saturday we tok on the task of cleaning out the attic.  We haven't cleaned it out in the six years we have lived here and it was BAD!  I wish I had taken pics of it before we pulled everything out.  We literally couldn't walk in because it was so crowded.  There was so much stuff we got rid of!

We pulled everything out and went through it so we could organize it.

We all have a "keepsake" box.  I went through them because I love walking down memory lane!  

In Jay's box, I found this gem.  It was given to him by his grandparents and they are from 1847!

One of his childhood teddy bears...

This BEAUTIFUL quilt....

Brayden holding Jay's granddad's old glove...

All of Jay's team hats from when he was a kid!  I am sure there is alot of sweat and dirt in those!

LOVE this!  It is an old family Bible from Jay's GREAT GREAT Granddad, William Wheeler.  Jay's Granddad William Wheeler was adopted as an adult and then became Bill Lemonds.  So our last name is actually due to adoption!

Karis' box had several old blankets from when she was a baby including this one from Whitney (who now goes to church with us again) when she was born.  :)

Jay's grandmother Grace has made each of our kids a crocheted blanket as a baby.  I will always cherish these!

Brayden's box contained some of my favorite clothes he wore as a baby.

His build-a-bear we made him when I was pregnant with him and the blanket Grace made him also.

Lucy's contained a blanket (the white one on top) that my mom was brought home from the hospital in as well as me when I was born.  Lucy was brought home in it too.

One of my favorite things to do is to go back and look at all the things that I have kept from my childhood.  I found all kinds of things ha!  This was my childhood Bible....

Honor Roll certificate from 4th grade, my last year to go to a private school...

8th grade....voted "Most Studious" by my class...such a nerd!

 My old cheerleading uniform...

And letter jacket...

Dried flowers from high school (old corsages, random flowers from inductions etc.)....

Framed High School graduation invitation....

High School Diploma...

 Senior Year voted "Best All Around" by my cheerleading squad...

SGA Senior Year Vice-President



ACT score...took this 5 times and my score never went up...22.  I am NOT a good test taker!

 Lots of pics I found.  This one was from Homecoming Court...

Senior year track....

Senior Prom...

Senior Trip to Panama City, FL the day after graduation....

I had lots from college too but didn't have as much time to go through those.  This one is from College Graduation Day with some of my favorite people Amber, Ashley and Melissa!

My family and I (and an old bo) they day I graduated Union!

My best friend's wedding... miss her like crazy!

In college (99) I worked in New York for the summer at Camp of the Woods.  These were my roommates...wonderful memories there!

One of my favorite memories at Union...ZTA!!!!

My ZTA paddle given to me by my big sister Elaine...

My wedding stuff!  Wedding planner....

Invitation to our wedding....

Wedding Program...

Guest book...the first three people on the list are now gone.  Two of Jay's granddads and Amber....sad to not have them around anymore.

Wow what a fun walk down memory lane.  I love that I saved all of these memories to go back through.  Glad my children can enjoy them too!

1 comment :

  1. I love trips down memory lane... minus the cleaning part.
