Saturday, September 15, 2012

Karis' first cheerleading Jamboree

After Brayden's game was over, we left and went straight to Karis' first cheerleading game!  She is a Steelers' cheerleader and she is loving it.  It is a change from the gymnastics she has done in the past.  It was HOT out there today so we are looking forward to it cooling off a bit!

Karis with Jay before her game...
(Oh and their uniforms are not in yet so they are using their practice uniforms for games until they come in.)

Her squad...

It was a Jamboree today so it was crowded and a madhouse!

Game time!!!

Karis did so good and I was so proud of her!  Someday Lucy will be in some kind of activity and not sure how we will swing all 3 being so busy.  Uhoh...may have to recruit some grandparents!!!

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