Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chickens round #2

Because Karis and Lucy didn't get to go see Nugget last weekend, they were dying to go see him so on Saturday night we took a trip to our neighbor's house to visit!  Brayden had just as fun the second go-round!

Karis loved little "Nugget"....

Lucy was scared of them at first but finally got the courage to pet them.

Karis loved that this one kept wrapping its feet around her fingers.

We went right before it got dark and it was neat to see them "go to bed" or roost for the night.  The term "go to bed with the chickens" is very literal because it seemed as the sun was setting, they just knew to go to their house.  We watched them all individually just go to bed it was really neat to see.

Then they gave us some of their fresh eggs...yum!  The kids thought they were so neat.  We ate them the next morning and they were so much better than store bought eggs.

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