Sunday, September 23, 2012


What a busy day!  We went to church this morning, went straight to Disney on Ice this afternoon and then back to church for Splash!  Splash is an extension of our children's program and we have it once a month.  We are studying a country each splash and tonight was India.  We learned about the country, missionaries and even what they ate in India!  I led the 4th and 5th grade but had only two girls, Kara and Caroline.

I forgot what these are called but they are similar to tortillas...


Brayden eating an "Indian" smoothie...

Karis making crafts...

My Splash girls Kara and Caroline...

AND we had a huge surprise when we got home!  Uncle Jon-Jon came by and spent the night with us! The kids were so excited to see him and I loved getting to catch up with him. We missed you Jenna!

We love you Uncle Jon-Jon!

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