Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Grandparents Day!

I want to give a shout out to some very special people on this Grandparents Day.  I was so very blessed with wonderful grandparents growing up!  Although none of them are alive today, their legacy lives on!  I look up to them so very much and will always consider them my heroes!  

But also to my children's grandparents...Lolli, Pop, Nonnie and Pop-Pop.  They are WONDERFUL grandparents to Karis, Brayden and Lucy  and I couldn't have asked for better.  They love them unconditionally, spend time with them and spoil them rotten!!!  Thank you for all you have done for my sweet children and loving them like better than you loved Jay or I.  Isn't that how it is supposed to be?! (wink, wink)

And to Jay's grandparents that are still with us (Grandmother Wicks, Pinto, Nana 2,  Grace and Grandmother Thomas), thanks for everything.  We cherish the special time we have with you and are thankful the Lord blessed us with you!  


Yesterday when we were cleaning out the attic, I found one of my most favorite keepsakes.  My Granny passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack when I was in college and it absolutely rocked my world.  She and I were so very close and there are still days when I miss her terribly!

But this is her purse that my mom gave me to keep, exactly as it was the day she died, while at a yard sale, her absolute favorite place to be in the world.  She died doing what she loved!  I went through it with the kids and they too thought it was really neat.  We found so many neat treasures!  So sad they never got to meet my Granny!  

My grandmother ALWAYS had one of these on her.  She was the Vaseline queen!

I found these letters in her wallet that all three of my brothers had written her.  She kept them with her all the time.

Besides yard sales, the other thing that she loved was couponing.  She was a mastermind behind the art and would leave a story with 2 buggies full of groceries and a pocket of money because they owed HER for all the groceries she brought home!

I remember her wearing this watch for ages....

In honor of her on this Grandparents Day, I am wearing this bracelet that she made at least 30 years ago.  She always made things with beads and had them all over her house.  This was my favorite!

And when I was going through my "keepsake box" yesterday I also found this pic of my Mimi (my dad's mom) and I at my high school graduation.  

Happy Grandparents Day to all of you out there that are blessed with a full nest! :)

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