Saturday, September 1, 2012

Staycation Part 3 Fire Museum

One thing we chose to do was go to the Fire Museum which none of us had ever been to.  Brayden was pumped about this part!  We got the family deal which was $20 total for our family.  There were 2 parts to the Museum...the collectible section and then the other side was more interactive.  

We overheard Lucy playing on this 911 phone call and she said, "Hurry help my kid is sick.  He can't walk!" hahaha!

This was neat.  It was a collage of all the people that lost their life on September 11th.

 The interactive side was definitely their favorite part!  They got to climb in and play on everything.

The upstairs was neat.  It had these rooms laid out and you push the button for the room you want to learn about and it tells you all the possible fire hazards in a room and how to eliminate them (for ex. candles near a curtain or a fireplace without a fire screen etc.).  My kids listened so intently and took them very serious!

This was a maze about how to escape a house with a burning fire in it.  If you went through a door that was "hot" the alarm would sound and you had to escape in a certain amount of time to be safe.

Such a fun past 24 hours!  And all for fairly cheap!

Now a rundown for our "staycation"....
Parking for Mud Island-$6
Mud Island-FREE
Parking in garage for rest of the day-$5
Water Fountains-FREE
Lunch at Aldo's-$35
Peanut Store Candy-$5
Carriage Ride-$25
Fire Museum-$20
Festival/Live Music-FREE
Gus' Chicken-$35

Grand Total of 24 hours of fun....$150 (include 2 meals)
Without meals, only $80.

It still cost $150 but we had originally planned to get a hotel plus food/fun so the hotel would have cost us what our entire 2 days cost us in the end!  AND we got to do TONS of stuff for that amount...well worth it in my book.  Time with my family....priceless!

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