Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11, 11 year anniversary

I reminisce on 9-11 every year just like everyone else does.  It's hard to think of what we went through as a country and how each of us that lived through it, will never be the same.  It changed who we are.

You can read last year's account here where I relived that day in '01.  I also was able to help with the cleanup Thanksgiving of that year and it was life changing.  I had the privilege of meeting and eating with some of the firefighters that lived through that horrific day.  

I will NEVER forget.

In my chronological reading, I don't find it a bit ironic some of the things I read that day that related to 9-11.  God is good.  This didn't catch God by surprise in 2001 or now.  Even when times are hard, it IS the day the Lord has made and we need to rejoice!

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