Tuesday, September 18, 2012

iPhone dump...

I ordered my new calendar starting in January 2013 from  I was able to customize it and I love it!  Why have an ugly notebook?!  :)

I woke up Sunday morning and my heart was SOOO heavy.  I feel like the Lord woke me up to pray for 3 certain things he brought to my attention and He wouldn't seem to let me quit thinking about.

  1. After watching on Fox News funeral from the embassy bombing in Libya this past week (picture below), it made it a lot more real when I got a text from a friend Cherie whose son is a marine and she had received word that her son's camp in Afghanistan had been attacked the day before and she had no idea if her son was ok.  She knew that 2 were killed and others injured and she was hoping and praying she didn't get a knock on the door that afternoon that her son was killed.  My heart was so broken for them and it hit me really hard.  Thankfully Sunday morning she received an email from him saying he was ok but one of his sergeants was killed.  
  2. You all know my mom's best friend Karen had a heart cath last week that resulted in a stroke and she is recooperating still in the hospital and having reality checks with the amount of therapy she is going to have to do to get back to normal.  I can't imagine and know that she is having a hard time despite knowing God is in control.
  3. An old friend of ours Sammy Nuckolls was charged this week with 13 counts of video voyerism  and was sent to jail for 10 years.  Jay and I went to Israel with him several years back and it has been hard to watch all of this happen.  I do believe that he has a serious problem and should pay for the hurt he has caused so many.  I know that a lot of families/friends of ours are hurting because of his actions and my heart breaks for them.  Sin is a harmful thing and the repercussions are sometimes far and wide, unfair as it may seem.  Praying for a repentant heart for him and the victims will find peace and rest in Jesus, the only one that can fill the void.

Saturday night Jay got out his guitar and we had a little worship session together with the family.  And even after the kids came and went, Jay and I sang for an hour longer.  It was a sweet time and one that I hope we have many more of.  Not to mention he was super cute playing the guitar!

I took a nap on Saturday afternoon in my bed with this sweet girl and her preciousness was just too overwhelming...

Brayden made me this and was so proud of his creation... :)

Saturday night we had steak night...a favorite by all!!!!  Perfect way to end a busy Saturday!

Sunday after church Karis went to Mari-Morgan's house, Brayden went to Ethan and Eli's house so Lucy had her buddy Story over.  Of course they had a ball playing all things girly!

Lucy making Story a picture...

It is GORGEOUS here today!  After the past day of rain we have had it has brought us a cool front and it is wonderful!!!!  Hoping it stays around!

Here are some videos I had forgotten to post over the past week.  The first one is Brayden performing at Curriculum night...

This one is funny because Lucy and Jake LOVE to play Just Dance.  However this one song says, "Booty" which we don't say in our house (we say bottom).  I didn't realize it and Lucy hears it and has a panic attack each time he says it.  SO funny!

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