Saturday, September 22, 2012

Game Day

Brayden had his second game of the season today and did great.  Brayden scored the only goal for his team today and played great.  He played against his best friend from school which was extra fun for him!  They just kept grinning at each other when they didn't have their game face on!

His buddy Michael is in the yellow with his hands on his knees.  

Brayden is a great goalie!

Goooooo Sabercats!  (not even sure what that is honestly!)

Brayden and his buddy (and opponent) Michael...

After Brayden's game, we headed over to Karis' first official game!  She just got her uniform today so it is her first time officially as a cheerleader.  She was the cutest cheerleader I have ever seen!  But I know I am a little biased of course!

Lucy was just along for the ride today :)

I love watching my kiddos play their sports today.  I need to work on not getting so worked up ha!

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