Sunday, September 9, 2012

Meeting "Nugget"

The other day while at the park, we were talking to our neighbor and buddy Mr. Henigan and he was mentioning his chickens and how he had one that was so cute he was ugly and that they had named him "Nugget."  We promised the kids we would take them to see them and he has not let us forget.  He has asked at least 30 times if he could go and "meet" him.  Karis and Lucy weren't able to go this time because they were at friends' houses but today we took Brayden and his friends over to see them.  Brayden was in love at first sight!  It was a very neat experience!

WARNING:  LOTS of chicken photos haha!

Our beloved friend, Mr. Henigan

He was feeding them egg shells and they were going NUTS!

This rooster was definitely struttin' his stuff!

This is the infamous "Nugget."  He doesn't look like the others and very unique and beautiful.  It was just as described to us, "He is so ugly he is cute!"

Isn't Nugget adorable?!

I thought this black and white one was beau-ti-ful. Love the different feathers!

Stare down!!!

They got to feed them out of their hands...

Chickens take a "dirt bath?" Who knew?!

The boys loved it and can't wait to go back!  It will be soon because we will have 2 girls dying to go!  Pictures coming soon I am sure!

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