Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sports Saturday

We started off our busy Saturday with Brayden's soccer game.  He did great and scored 2 out of 3 of goals for his team!  And he was excited because Lolli got to come to his game this week.

She brought cousin "Little B" and my kids were fighting over him of course...

Daddy wisdom...

We left Brayden's game and went to Five Guys Pizza Pies for lunch which we had never been to before but it was great!

Then we headed to Karis' game but after we got there an hour early realized when it was game time that they had scheduled 2 games at one time so ours was pushed back another hour and a half so we didn't stay.  But we did have our weekly snow cones though!

Thanks Lolli for coming to their games!

Now moving on to some Pumpkin Patch!

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