Sunday, September 23, 2012

One Year Chronological Bible

Today I completed a HUGE goal of mine and I am so excited!

As of today, I have read the Bible Chronologically in it's entirety over the past year!  I am sad to say I haven't ever done this before and that it took me until I was 33 to knock this off of the top of my bucket list.

I will say that it has changed my life.  The Bible is an entire book and it doesn't make sense to read parts of it without reading it as a whole, especially chronologically. Things make more sense now and the Lord has used so many scriptures to speak truth into my life.  I do plan to continue reading it over and over again because I know there are tons of things I missed or have forgotten.   

Here are some I read this week that have spoken to me...

If you haven't ever read the whole Bible I encourage you will never be the same!

1 comment :

  1. In January, I will have read the entire Bible in the ESV. I told G that I would like the Chronological Bible as my Christmas present so I can read it through. So excited to start that next! Thanks for sharing.
