Now to the point of this post. As we sat down to eat, a huge thunderstorm came through our area and it was light to dark in a matter of about 5 minutes. We knew we were under a Thunderstorm Warning and knew it was coming...quickly. It eventually started thundering and lightning and Brayden got really terrified of the loud noises and was crying to get in my lap. And if I were honest, it scared me too (those that know me know that I have always been terrified of storms...but as a parent now have to put on the "it's ok" face). Besides, after lightning struck our front yard just Sunday...I was a little on edge! So we spent the rest of our meal with Brayden in my lap and Karis in Jay's lap. We used it as a teachable moment and began to remind the kids that God is always with us and the He created all the storms, so there is no reason to be afraid (Yea...still trying to convince myself of this!). Karis said, "Yea Brayden you don't have to be afraid because God made all those crackers!" She was meaning "firecrackers" because that is what Brayden thought they were.... fireworks. Although the statement was funny, it was very sweet that she was teaching him what we have been trying to teach her. God is good!
The ironic part of this whole story is that soon after that we sit down to all
read our Bible story before bedtime and the title read, "God kept me safe." God had ordained this day so that my kids would see the beauty of who He is and that He is indeed faithful.
How beautiful! The story was about Noah and explained how he obeyed God and how God blessed him and his family and "kept him safe" even in the midst of a flood. Of course we wanted to stress that God is always with us rather than God keeps us safe because in reality, that is not always the case. "Safe" to us is not always what God has in mind. But nevertheless it was a beautiful moment when God opens up the flood gates (pun intended) of wisdom in little ones. Soon after the story, the kids wanted to go to the window and see if there was a rainbow. We looked really hard for one and although that would be an incredible ending to our God story, we didn't see one (I still think there was one out there somewhere though). What a lesson for me too...although God is sovereign in all things...there isn't always a rainbow at the end...and even then, God is still good! Don't you agree?