Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Today was a great day!  We all went to church this morning together for the first time in probably 2 months. Jay has been preaching at different churches alot recently in addition to being out of town, me working in the nursery or random sickness.  So we were thrilled to be able to all go together this morning! It was a great time of worship with our church family!

We go to the early service so we are usually home by 11 which is nice cause it makes for a long Sunday afternoon which we love!  My house was NASTY (seriously I am embarrassed) so I had to clean house today.  I cleaned house all afternoon in addition to about 6 loads of laundry so I got alot done and it felt good.  The kids played great together this afternoon while I was cleaning and I had to stop to capture just a few moments of it.  I love it when they play well together!

They were playing hide-n-go seek and Lucy hid in here...

We found her!

K doesn't quite fit as well as Lucy haha!

We found Brayden!!!

Lucy finding Karis...

My sweet blue eyed boy...

Then it was naptime and EVERYBODY napped, including me.  Well, Jay didn't....almost everybody.  The kids were "helping" me put Lucy to bed.

Hugs and kisses...

Karis was singing to her...

ALL 3 kids slept for THREE I got alot done!  It was a nice break.  Tonight the kids had SPLASH and the adults went to a Current class where we discussed different was very informative.  We are chillin' at home now...watching the Manning Bowl and I am kinda feeling sorry for Eli.  I can't imagine being their mother right now...who in the world do you root for???

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