Friday, September 24, 2010

Pajama Day and Disney on Ice

Today was Pajama Day at school and Karis got some new pj's and slippers to wear.  She has been looking forward to this day for weeks and finally it's here!

She was one cute pajama girl!

Today Lulu got a hold of Jay's hat...she looked so cutie!

Tonight my mom and I took the kids to see Disney on Ice and Jay volunteered to stay home and keep Lulu.  We grabbed some dinner on the way at Danvers.  This is before we went in...

Brayden was "kicking" the soccer ball...

Before the show, Lolli and kids...

Me and my babies (minus Lulu)

It was  a great show!  Our seats were high up but they were still GREAT seats!

Brayden spent most of the show doing this...

or this....

And Karis was freezing so she spent most of the time trying to warm up in her clothes!

Lolli bought them some souvenirs from the show...

And Jay told me that tonight when it was time for Lucy to go to bed, he made a pallet in the floor and told her to lay down, that it was time to go to bed.  She laid down and fell fast asleep!!!  Aw...had to get me some cuddles before laying her in her bed!

Great day!

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