Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rednecks, Bikes and Bibles

This picture of this sweet, precious, innocent, little boy can be deceiving.  

Jay calls mullets "business in the front, party in the back."  Brayden has a very different kind of mullett here.  He called it his ponytail haha!  That is soooo REDNECK!

This past weekend, Lolli took Karis to pick out her a new bike for her upcoming birthday.  Here she is sporting her new "big girl" bike!

Lucy's new toy is her Bible.  She carries it around alot of the time.  But she doesn't just want to hold it, she wants me to read it to her ALL DAY.  She brings it to me and says, "Bubu" meaning Bible.  Her favorite story is Zaccheus and she has wanted me to sing the song a million times!  

She was even laying on it like a pillow!

And hugging it

She has started trying to "sing" it without saying the words of course b/c she can't.  But here is Lucy's version of "Zaccheus."  It is so sweet to watch her try to sing it and then she just grins really big.
Lucy singing "Zaccheus" from Amanda Lemonds on Vimeo.

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