Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fishin' Tournament...

This morning Jay hosted a fishing tournament out on our lake and Brayden has been looking forward to it for weeks.  However, after the issues he was having earlier in the week, it was questionable whether or not he would be going.  But he has had a great 2 days so we allowed him to go.  He was up before 7:00 and dressed, ready, eager and waiting for daddy to say it was time to go fishing!  There were a bunch of father/son pairs ready to fish the day away!

Brayden himself didn't catch one but Jay did and B didn't seem to be bothered by it.  I think he likes the process/action more than actually catching anyway.  B (and Karis) enjoyed holding the caught fish!  Oh and notice Karis...she has a purse on her arm holding a nasty fish...such a girly fisherwoman!

Brayden had fun with the fish and the boys but honestly I think his fav was all the fishing lures he got to play in.  It was like lure heaven!

Aw love it!

After lunch it started raining and the kids enjoyed playing and dancing in the rain and getting soaked.  Lucy enjoyed her share of dancing in the rain too!

We left and went STRAIGHT to the bathtub!!! :)

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