Friday, September 3, 2010

Friends and Cici's

Friday afternoon we had some very good friends come friend Lori and her little girl Emma Kate.  She is one of my college friends and sorority sisters and they lived here for a while until March when they moved to Atlanta.  We haven't seen them since they moved and we were so glad to see them and catch up!

Me and Lori

The girls Lucy, Karis and Emma Kate (Brayden when he was little kept calling her 'Emma CAKE' so the name has stuck.)  That is what the kids call her. LOL

Our attempt at getting B in the pic...

Emma Kate hugging "baby Lucy" bye.  That is what she has always called Lucy.  Goodbyes are never fun especially when you know you won't see someone for a while!

Then we took the kids out for Cici's pizza for dinner.  Karis colored something and if she brought it in we got free kid's buffet.  She was excited about the coloring part...we were excited about the free part!  One thing I hate about Cici's is they have a game room...whoever invented these is NOT my best friend. All B wanted to do was play games and I refuse to start that.  We didn't let them play one game...because it is such a waste of money and you can never play just know what I mean?!  So they pretended on this motorcycle and Lucy wanted in on the fun!

I was asking, "Where's Lucy???"

Lucy and Brayden both fell asleep on the way home...and Karis wasn't too far behind them!

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